Sunday, September 15, 2013

Great Hope

Dear Christa—
The sound of the Ft. Carson helicopters overhead has become ominous to me. Once again they head north, their flight path over our house. Day after June day they flew north toward the Black Forest fires. Now, they head north once more, seeking out the trapped, the lost, the desperate from the remote mountain towns and beyond that have been ravaged by the floods.
And this Sunday morning it brings again the thoughts of how easily we become spiritually trapped. One moment life is as beautiful as a Colorado mountain range, dappled in sun and fresh air.

How quickly disaster can be raging toward us, and there is no way to know its presence or its destruction. Humanity is in great need.

But, we are neither trapped nor deserted. God, very God, searches out the hearts of humankind. His Spirit winds through our spiritual deserts. He seeks out the lost. He seeks out the broken. He seeks out you and me.
Oh, give thanks this day. I pray it is a day our military recues many in the mountains. I pray it is a day that the Spirit of the Lord rescues many from the tides of desperate need.
Do you feel hopeless today? There is a realm we do not yet see, and the Spirit of God is seeking—seeking out you. Life is not as ominous as it may seem. There is great hope overhead.