Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Reverb10 Dec. 8 Reflect on what makes you different; what makes you different makes you beautiful

People don't have to be different (or beautiful) to have value. What's wrong with being a faceless form among the masses of humanity? For if we are honest, that is where most of us live and who most of us are. And I'm okay with that.

Women over 50 have had to learn to see beyond beauty. And I pity any older woman who hasn't. Some things in life can't be turned back. Age is one. I've also seen enough of fame to be content with a ray of sunshine from a Colorado blue sky, and enough of wealth to look fondly on my house that looks very much like the others on the block.

So, today I praise the ordinary...those who live their lives before a small circle and live them well. Those who find satisfaction in their daily walk--those who live in contentment. And, maybe that's what makes them different after all.

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